Penguin Musume Heart

posted by sooyup on , , ,

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Funniest Guilty pleasure this year by far has been Penguin Musume Heart an ONA (Original Net Animation) that just finished it's run on Nico Nico Douga a Japanese based video service much like youtube. Interesting enough this is actually two seasons worth of giggles and fanservice when I actually thought it was only one season.

22 10minute (including credits) long episodes of pure hilarity with a pinch of yuri centric fanservice (it's an all girl show minus the one trap) tossed in for good measure focuses on the crazy life of a girl called Penguin (Pen-chan). Pen-chan is a true Otaku and loves to cosplay (and makes her classmates cosplay as well) and make random anime/manga references to what is happening around her. Her real name is Sakura Nankyoku and she is the oldest daughter(?) of a very wealthy Japanese family who seems to be able to build massive buildings in a day not to mention time machines and all sorts of other interesting things.

There is something for everyone to like in this show as it tosses every kind of anime stereotype at you in a fit of laughter. Even the Opening and closing credits of this show are fun to watch and laugh at. Honestly though I was really hoping to see a mighty space battle at the end but maybe that will be coming in a third season. It's not like they didn't allude to the posiblity of it in the last episode. I would really like to see this show get licensed for a NA release but I just don't know if that will happen. If you haven't seen this I really think you owe it to yourself to at least check it out. I'm sure you'll get a good laugh out of it like I did. You can still catch all of it here at Crunchyroll.

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