Farewell sweet Autox

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Well just until the season starts anew in the Spring. That's right the autocross season is over with the last event being held last Sunday. And what an event it was. The last event was held in the large parking lot at Expo Idaho and the course layout actually took up the entire parking lot this time. This of course proved a pain for a lot of the drivers in the beginning as it was easy to get lost until you had run the correct course a couple of times. It was also a pain for me as well during filming but funny at times because if you watch some of the videos you'll see on screen something like a Miata that sounds like a Viper. Then there's also me just messing up with the camera and playing with the zoom later on in the day.

The early morning first runs were pretty exciting due to the cold asphalt and cold tires but I didn't film any of that because I went on a couple ride-alongs with some folks. The first was with Jonathan in his Honda S2000 and while I had a real fun time and thought it was a blast even spinning out on the second to last corner Jonathan didn't like it to much. Oh well he did much better later on in the day when it got warmer. Then I went with Leo in his Mazda RX-7 and he did a lot of tail wagging and got a bit lost on that first run, yet again a blast for me. The last ride along was with my roommate in his Mazda RX-8 and of course it was more tail wagging wrong way going fun for me. After that I hoped out and went about filming some of those races but by then people were getting the hang of things and the weather was warming up and so was the asphalt.

Due to mother nature's call I missed filming one of my roommate's runs where he took out 5 cones at once. It was funny to watch but I wasn't nearly set up yet to film so totally missed it on camera. Maybe they'll have a winter event and we can all have fun really sliding around on snow and ice. So the last event was a great time were most people were just out to have fun and enjoy the wonderful smells of gasoline, burnt rubber and egos. I did miss something fantastic though when I went home early (stupid battery life) I missed out on seeing the monster wing that used to be on the Viper (replaced by a much more suitable wing thankfully) being run instead on a Corvette. Oh the humanity. In any case that's it for the year and folks go back to tinker with their cars during the off time for the next season. And I go about working out how to use that umbrella and pick up a few extra batteries and a much larger Memory stick for next year. Since I didn't take the DSLR I didn't get any static pictures so borrowed one from Chris Wold.

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