Grenadier ~ The Senshi of Smiles

posted by sooyup on , ,

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Lets go back a little to an older anime called Grenadier ~ The Senshi of Smiles which I just finished watching on DVD thanks to Netflix. I only became aware of this anime though repeated postings of all the animated gifs of the main character that are floating around 4chan and else were. I mean how can you not be interested in finding out more about a well endowed pistol packing woman who can reload her revolver by...using her breasts! To be honest after watching those animated gifs of her interesting way of reloading I added Grenadier to the queue but it took a while to work it's way up to the top.

Now that it finally did and I marathoned all three disks on a weekend I can honestly say it was a bit more than just some fancy reloading skills. It was an actually OK anime, which surprised me. It was a bit more than just jiggling female body parts reloading guns all the time it had a pretty good plot with our heroine the Smiling Senshi working her way back to her home so that she could find out why she had a price on her head. Following her along on the quest are two others a young balloon making female child and a ronin who is known as the the Rear Guard Tiger. He's along for the trip after he meets up with the Smiling Senshi and she protects him from harm and teaches him about her fighting style.

That's one of the main themes about this anime our heroine who is a dead aim with a pistol isn't out to really hurt or kill anyone. No she wants to strip them of their armour and weapons and embrace them so that they loose their will to fight. Not entirely a bad way to be defeated if you ask me. So 11 episodes of the gang heading towards home defeating one Senshi (other gun toting badguys) after another stripping them of their armour and weapons blah blah. Then we get to the last episode and the end fight is with another well endowed female gunslinger much like the Smiling Senshi with her own impressive reloading technique. Of course our lovely Smiling Senshi wins and everything is right as rain in the end.

This show had me laughing as much as wondering just how a lady could fit that much ammo in such a place yet was surprised by how fun and entertaining the show was. I really wasn't expecting much from it and took a while to get around to seeing it but now that I have I'm glad that I did. While there is some fanservice there isn't nearly the amount that I expected from watching the animated gifs. If you haven't watched it yet and have some spare time I'd suggest hitting it up on netflix and checking it out you just might be surprised at how good it really is like I was.

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