More Anime Ramblings?

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Ok at the moment it's only two little small ramblings about anime this time and the first one is about Nel's voice from Bleach. Everyone has their own favorite Bleach characters and one of mine is little Nel (Neliel Tu Oderschvank) the pint sized terror who just recently regained her adult body and powers. The only problem and the point of my rambling rant is that when she grew up her voice didn't. Oh my freaking goodness what an annoying voice.

The first episode the voice kinda fit as she still seemed a bit childish when she grabbed Ichigo and saved him. But then she started getting serious and she turned into this cool smooth thinking character and then during her flash back where we see even more of her grace and elegance and reasoning and the damn squeaky little girl voice just doesn't fit her character at all in my opinion. She needs a smart, some what more seductive and smooth voice than what she has right now. Oh well that's anime for you I guess. If that's really the voice they want her to have than I guess I'll just have to endure.

Now the second rambling is a small victory for the American Anime watcher in that [Adult Swim] once again changed their Saturday late night lineup again. I say small victory because Anime still isn't the headliner of the line up but at least gone are the lame, insipid, horrid crap that was on before. The headliners are an hour of Robot Chicken (getting Stale) and Aque Teen (more Stale) followed by an hour of Boondocks then we roll into the Anime block which thankfully brings back the new Anime series to a better time slot after a new episode of Bleach. Then follows a bunch of repeat anime that we've all seen before. Maybe, just maybe I'll go back to watching [adult swim] again.

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