ive been a fan of toni gonzaga... i just love her a lot. i can say she's an ultimate performer! a tv host, actress, singer and a person that can make people laugh. after the unexpected stay of mariel rodriguez in pbb house, toni's stay is next in line. i was surprised with the twist in pbb celebrity edition 2. yesterday, toni was able to do her mission inside the house and big brother and many viewers of pbb were all proud of her. this very pretty and intelligent lady proved everyone that she was worthy to have many fans... i also cry after watching her farewell of her stay in pbb house.
to toni: im really proud of you. my love and support are not wasted after knowing you more, not only outside but inside.
to the people who may not know PBB. It stands for Pinoy Big Brother. This time is the PBB Celebrity Edition 2. the first one was PBB season 1, next was PBB teen edition, celebrity edition, pbb season 2... after pbbce2, there will be a season 3 and teen edition 2. i dont know which will be aired first. PBB is a reality show in the philippines, wherein there where housemates who will be staying there for a month or more with video cams all over the rooms, showing each hosemates their real colors.
to toni: im really proud of you. my love and support are not wasted after knowing you more, not only outside but inside.
to the people who may not know PBB. It stands for Pinoy Big Brother. This time is the PBB Celebrity Edition 2. the first one was PBB season 1, next was PBB teen edition, celebrity edition, pbb season 2... after pbbce2, there will be a season 3 and teen edition 2. i dont know which will be aired first. PBB is a reality show in the philippines, wherein there where housemates who will be staying there for a month or more with video cams all over the rooms, showing each hosemates their real colors.