Weekly Review

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Type this week's Weekly Review from work thanks to the Laptop power supply taking a dump for the second time.  Ordered another one because it would take forever to send the other one in for the warrenty.  Still might just to have an extra one just in case.  So anyways yeah it was an OK week up until the weekend and yeah I'll get to that in a minute.  Lots more Super GT news has come out but nothing on the new Race Queens so you'll just have to enjoy last year's.

So yeah a lot actually kinda happened this week.  Work kinda sucked thanks to some jackass underage douchebags who thought it was cool to come down drink and party while they watched Girls state bball and they just made the couple nights they were here horrid.  Decided to call the police the first night but the assholes saw the cops and ran.  They quited down after that but they were still a pain to deal with.   We did can and tell the kids mother that we caught them drinking and acting like assholes though.  If you're going to be a douchebag and party like that don't have your parents pay for your room. 

During the week I found out that RAUH-Welt went social and posted about that and I have some cool news.  I'm now friends on Facebook with RWB's international director, how cool is that.  Anyways I also decided I wasn't going to hit another WHY DIDN"T I THINK OF THAT and decided to get my butt in gear and launch a simple booru site dedicated to RWB pictures.  It's called RWBooru and you should check it out.  So I did that and I posted up all the pictures that I had on the current HD as I lost a lot earlier on but now I have 550+ pictures up and will be adding more.  I think I need to add some more tags though for easier navigating. 

Saturday kinda sucked in a different way as I set my alarm clock for 3pm to get ready for MONAC and guess what I did.  Yup totally slept through it and got woken up about 30 minutes after MONAC should have started.  So I rushed down there as fast as I could lawfully and got things going by 7pm.  That's when I found out my powersupply was toast.  And it had worked that night.  So the battery lasted about 40 minutes and it was done.  Thankfully another guy at MONAC had a powersupply that would work at home and so he went home and grabbed it and we were able to finish the Macross Frontier movie. 

Sunday was a make up day that I was able to catch up on some other stuff that I needed to do and on Monday I went to my grandmother's house to pick up some metal storage bins that my dad left me and on the way back I stopped off at a new Asian market and checked it out.  And with that done it was pretty much my week. 

Didn't really find much this week video wise but you can enjoy these videos. 

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