Sora no Woto

posted by sooyup on , ,

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So how was the K-on! goes to war anime? It was great and not as moe overdosing as I thought it would be at first. I liked it so much that I suggested we watch it the anime group as well and by luck of the draw it was selected so now even more people get to enjoy the goodness that is Sora no Woto with a twist. Oh it has a twist alright it's not all sunny days and smiles my friends. This war thing is serious business.

Sora no Woto or Sounds of the Sky is set in a post-apocalyptic world at an old Military Fort on the edge of the Helvetian Army's territory. The Fort is located near a town called Seize with a rich cultural history. The story starts with a new young army recruit who joined the army so that she could learn to play music after being inspired at an early age by a golden haired beauty playing Amazing Grace in the rain.

The young recruit is Kanata and she has a dream to be a Bugler and she finds her way to the old fort and her interesting squad mates. There are only four other soldiers stationed at the fort and they are all girls of varies ages and back grounds which all play an important part to the over all story progression.

The series goes about their daily lives at the fort and helping out the local townspeople and even has some interesting little side stories from the girls illegally selling their own home made wine to the crush that one of the girls has on their messenger. Being a war story you get going along with all the easy going stories until about 3/4 of the way into the series where it tosses you for a loop and shows you a back story of the Captain that takes us back to the end of the war where she is the sole survivor of her spider tank that was blown up. It was shock to see that and it was a turning point in the series that say the second in command being told to return and marry the Emperor of the Roman army in order to get the peace treaty signed. After she leaves to be married the girls are left to defend the fort and soon find themselves with a Roman scout prisoner and the ramping up of war escalations until the last couple episodes that finds the girls taking a stand against the ruthless army Sargent hell bent on finishing the war no matter what.

the last couple of episodes are just chuck full of back story fill in and action which leaves us with the second in command coming back with a decree for a cease fire form both sides. The war is over the girls from the fort were able to stop a battle and no one is badly hurt and with a wish offered to her the Second in Command is allowed to come back to the old fort and everyone is happy again.

I really did enjoy this series even though I thought it was going to be another sweet little K-on! type moe show it turned out to be that and more with a great story some interesting little side plots and a lot of emotion. I'd like to see this one licensed but since I haven't heard anything about K-on! getting picked up I don't think this one will be any time soon either. Which is sad since it's such a good show. The good thing is that there are two non-aired DVD exclusive episodes that will be out as well so I'm looking forward to seeing what those have to offer.

Trailer for Sora no Woto:

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