Futurama: The Beast with a Billion Backs

posted by sooyup on ,

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Futurama: Beast with a Billion Backs is the second of the four direct to DVD Futurama movies. It is scheduled to be released on June 24th. However, I was able to get a sneak peak earlier this week and I just have to say that you should definitely run not walk to get a copy for yourself.

Brief Summary: We find our plucky little team of go getters and space explorers right were we left them after the first movie with a nice big rip in space. Fry gets a girlfriend (who isn't Lilla...shocker) who turns out to like having several boyfriends at once. Kif and Amy get married (I think) Bender looks for the League of Robots after getting his poor butt blasted and the rest of the gang is up to the same old tricks as they've always been up to. Earth of course attacks the rip in space because well that's what President Nixon and Zapp do to things they don't understand. Of course since it is Zapp the attack goes bad killing poor Kif as a result. We find Fry, not happy at all sharing his girlfriend with five other guys, going through the rip in space to be alone to himself.

But he's not alone. Turns out there is a huge beast on the other side who just wants to get freaky with all of humanity. The beast attacks earth with Fry in tow. Soon all of humanity is enslaved (at the neck) minus Lilla who finally finds out what the beast is after. So the beast releases humanity and begins a courtship of such. Finally humanity joins the beast on the other side leaving Earth to the robots. This doesn't sit to well with Bender of course and he attacks the beast on the other side dragging him to earth ending up releasing all of humanity back to Earth minus one person, Fry's ex-girlfriend. And that's all I can remember at the moment and anything else would just spoil to much of the movie.

My Opinion: Oh my gosh I've missed Futurama and love these DVD movies. I thought there was only going to be three but I guess after looking at some other information there is actually four. We will get a sneak peak at the last two movies on the DVD release along with a bunch of other fun stuff. Rent this, buy this, steal this whatever you do if you even passably like Futurama watch this movie. I'll be getting it on Netflix as soon as I can to check out the extras on the DVDs of course. Some people have reviewed this and said that it's not as good or as funny as the last movie or the seasons but screw them I was laughing a lot during this movie and I fully enjoyed it and I think some people forgot that futurama wasn't all slap stick all the time either.

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