Every season there seems to be the one stand out Moeblob princess that everyone flocks to and gets the greatest amount of fanservice interest and it's already easy to declare Spring 2009's Moe Princess as K-on!'s own Akiyama Mio. With only 4 episodes aired so far Mio seems to be the number one Moe hit of the season with 612 images on Danbooru (as of this posting) alone and countless others floating around the Internet on different Chan and booru type sites it's easy to see there just isn't any stopping Mio's climb up the Moe ladder even the other girls of K-on agree Mio is Moe Moe Kyun.
While no one can take the place of my number one Moe Princess Yoko, from Gurren Lagann, in my opinion it's hard not to agree that Mio is Moe to the max and that K-on! is a knock out sensation. I haven't seen such heated debate (if you can call all that bitching debate) on /a/ in some time so you know if it's a battle between /a/ it's worth a look. I personally like it (a chibi Mio even made it to my cell phone wallpaper) and have a good laugh every time I watch it. The ending song is fantastic and one of the better ones of the season.
Comiket 76, I believe, will be chuck full of K-on! goodness and I just don't see any stop to the madness of Moe Princess Mio fanservice. Enjoy the popular ending of K-on! while you surf the very NSFW danbooru link. A little afterthought: I'll go so far as to say that I believe Mio will either clinch the title of Fakku's 2009(or is that 2010?) Mote Mote Character Battle or at least finish in the top three. That is how powerful Mio's Moe-ness is.
While no one can take the place of my number one Moe Princess Yoko, from Gurren Lagann, in my opinion it's hard not to agree that Mio is Moe to the max and that K-on! is a knock out sensation. I haven't seen such heated debate (if you can call all that bitching debate) on /a/ in some time so you know if it's a battle between /a/ it's worth a look. I personally like it (a chibi Mio even made it to my cell phone wallpaper) and have a good laugh every time I watch it. The ending song is fantastic and one of the better ones of the season.
Comiket 76, I believe, will be chuck full of K-on! goodness and I just don't see any stop to the madness of Moe Princess Mio fanservice. Enjoy the popular ending of K-on! while you surf the very NSFW danbooru link. A little afterthought: I'll go so far as to say that I believe Mio will either clinch the title of Fakku's 2009(or is that 2010?) Mote Mote Character Battle or at least finish in the top three. That is how powerful Mio's Moe-ness is.