Asu no Yoichi

posted by sooyup on ,

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Another anime series I just finished is Asu no Yoichi I'll be honest I didn't really get into this series until about half way though the season as I thought it would be more fanservice than quality anime and I had already been up to my eyeballs in fanservice. However, after I started watching it I realized it was more comedy than harem romance (which is what I thought it would be) I couldn't stop watching it and laughing about how absurd and yet funny it was. And while Asu no Yoichi is chuck full of fanservice thankfully most of it's for the lolz and isn't by any means a crutch but an added goodness of the series.

Asu no Yoichi is a tale of a modern day samurai who leaves the safety of his mountain top dojo for a family dojo in the city to better train his skills and learn something about the real world. Of course the dojo is entirely staffed by a family of sisters and thus begins the misunderstandings that lead our poor young samurai into the brutal hands of the eldest sister who definitely looks like she enjoys it just a tad when she punishes the samurai for his hentai ways. Of course the real plot is that another brother and sister pair of warriors are out to get the samurai out of the picture so that the brother can marry the elder sister blah blah blah. It's not hard to see where the show goes and of course how it will end a bit predictable but still you can't help but want to keep watching it. I think though that my favorite of all the characters is the third sister the one who is an instigator of a lot of the fanservice mix ups.

Asu no Yoichi is funny the fanservice isn't so over the top to be absurd and it was a good enough to keep me entertained and coming back for more so I'd definitely like to see it again if it ever gets licensed. I don't think it's a must buy but I'd definitely rent it again that's for sure.

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