Zero no Tsukaima OVA

posted by sooyup on , ,

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DVD special episodes can be quit the entertaining show especially the ones that come packed with fanservice goodness and Episode 6.5 of Zero no Tsukaima ~Princesses no Rondo~ is no exception to that.

The only plot to this episode is that the boys found some earth swimsuits and persuade the lovely ladies into wearing at first one piece swimsuits to appease the goddess (I think it was a goddess I really wasn't paying attention to that) of the ocean. It's like going from the the 1920s era swimsuit to the 1990s era one piece pretty significant change for the ladies. The guys are just happy. Then comes the two piece swimsuits and much nose bleeding occurs. Then the girls find out that it was all just a scam by the guys to get them to wear the swimsuits (the next day was just going to be strings and shells) so the boys get taught a lesson of course. Of course what goes best with girls in next to nothingness but wriggling tenticals and what better way to go about that on a beach other than tossing a giant Octopus into the mix to snagg all the lovely girls while the boys are tied up learning their lesson. The girls of course get saved in the end and end up wearing those itty bitty shell bikinis.

To be honest I haven't even seen the third season of this show (currently only watching the first season at the anime club) so I have no idea how this even fits into the series but from what I heard about the OVA from everyone else I just couldn't pass it up while I was waiting for people to get around to subbing the OVAs for Kamen no Maid Guy and Koihime Musou which also promised to be chuck full of fanservice goodness. Admittedly I did just watch it for the fanservice but it did also have a good laugh or two in it as well but lets not mince words these fanservice OVAs are good for one thing getting you to buy the DVD which of course works now doesn't it.

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