Best & Worst of 2008 Round up

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Ended up realizing that I was taking entirely to long with the Best and Worst of 2008 so decided to finish the rest of them off with this little round up of sorts.

B&W Firearms related things: Definitely the worst news of 2008 is the election. It's going to be a war on guns and the President can keep his promise because he's just going to let all his little Democratic gun haters do all the work for him as he just sits back and watch. Some stupid anti-gun group is even calling for a ban on big bore hunting handguns because some idiot in Mexico killed a cop with one and now they are saying that criminals are getting these guns because they can defeat bullet proof vests. Blah blah blah they are a bunch of idiots who will jump at any thing to try and get rid of any type of gun no matter what the truth actually is about it. The best thing of 2008 is of course that I got more guns my friends got more guns and we all had a fun time plinking about.

B&W motorsports related things: Itasha in my motorsports? I got to watch a little bit of Super GT and the Porsche Carrera Cup of Asia this year thanks to Torrents but I still missed a bunch of stuff but during this year a couple of the Super GT cars had anime figures on them called Itasha so it's cool to see them getting a little bit of exposure in motorsports and maybe we'll see a bit more next year. The bad news is that thanks to the economy being in the toilet several pro racing groups are pulling out of the large races. Audi is pulling out of ALMS Porsche is pulling its P2 teams out of everything a handful of teams are out of F1 and the list just keeps growing. And it sucks.

B&W internet related things: Hello the absolute best of the year for the Internet has to go to it's awesome and the girls are just so darn cute. The worst of course are the idiots posting up crap on chan sites trying to be complete idiots with hacking and other nasty business and those that have sites to share things but make you jump through hoops to share and often times infecting your computer along the way. They suck and they can die horrible nasty deaths for all I care. But definitely visit for so nice stuff.

B&W photography related things: I took a lot of pictures this year and it was a great time I still need to learn some things and acquire a few things to do a bit better next year (plan on buying a new lens for the DSLR with Tax refund) and to just get out and practice some more. On the sucky side I took a job that I really didn't want to do but did anyways so that I could have some money to visit my mom but only ended up running my self ragged trying to get the money only to find out that it was just to late. That sucked.

OK so I believe that pretty much concludes my Best & Worst of 2008 posting so that I can move on to tomorrow's Year end review...FINALLY!

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