Birdy the Mighty -- DECODE

posted by sooyup on ,

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Right up until the end Birdy the Mighty was a pretty good show I thought and then that final ending slaps you in the face like a total bitch and laughs at you with a To Be Continued at the very end. Seriously the last three minutes of the show just about ruins how you want to feel about the show as a whole.

However it's not to say everything leading up to that ending was pretty good. At least I thought it was above average in any case. You can check out Wiki for the complete run down of Birdy the Mighty and as I have never seen the original OVA I didn't have any preconceived ideas of how this show was going to go. What I did get out of the show though was an interesting scifi show that revolves around an interstellar investigator looking for an alien doomsday device who in the course of her investigation accidentally kills a young school boy. Thankfully being alien and all she is able to send his body back to her home planet to be re-built so to speak and is able to co-habitat in her own body with the young boy in the mean time.

This leads to the young boy, Senkawa, getting involved in the investigation of the doomsday device that will end all humanity called the Ryunka. Senkawa even falls for a classmate named Nakasugi who has become the doomsday device and this is where the meat of the show takes place. The relationship that grows between Senkawa and Nakasugi tests not only the bonds of love between Senkawa and Nakasugi but the bonds of friendship that have grown between Senkawa and Birdy. In last few episodes Senkawa's body is returned to him and he ends up turning against Birdy to save the life of Nakasugi only to realize that what he has done actually is the wrong thing so he faces the doomsday device on his own and takes in the doomsday device and does the hero thing and lets Birdy kill him again. Then we get the slap to the face when we fade back in from the end battle. We find Nakasugi transferring to another school and no hint what so ever to the love and bonding that she had with Senekawa at the end. In fact we find out that she has lost all the memories of the past three months and Senekawa acts like it's the right thing to happen. Biggest WTF ending moment of the summer for sure. They give us this great relationship and then SLAP TO THE FACE erase it at last moment like it wasn't even important at all.

Of course a little bit after that horrible realization we get Birdy running and jumping off in the distance followed by the TO BE CONTINUED sign. Yes I'm happy that it will be returning in January for another season but dammit they better not give us another crappy ending or I'm going to be pissed. I'd like to see a renewal of the love interest between Senekawa and Nakasugi but I don't think it will go in that direction. I would definitely like to see this released in the states as this is a must rent anime show for sure. I might even have to check out the original OVA if I can find it. In any case if you like scifi shows with a good hint of comedy and love you should really check this out.

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