The King of Eden

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Been a while since the first movie for the series Eden of East came out but I finally watched it the other day so you'll have to excuse me for being a bit late to the party in saying anything about it. I am so happy that FUNimation decided to the license the series and the movies so that more people can enjoy the show as well. The King of Eden is the first of two movies that take place a few months after the events of the series and the main focus is mostly about Saki finding Akira again after he wiped his memories a second time and disappeared at the end of the series.

I loved the series and the first movie definitely didn't disappoint in any way. Like the series there are several things going on all at once that revolve around Akira now known as the "Air King" and Saki who is out looking for Akira. The movie starts up several months after the end of the series. Akira wiped his memories a second time and disappeared leaving Saki with his phone and a message to meet him again where it all began. In the six months that has passed while Saki has been looking in the US for Akira the Eden of the East group has grown and become a successful Internet business elevating the small group and the other Selecao have been busy trying to still win the game.

Mononobe has been busy still trying to save Japan through political means and is even investigating the Eden of the East group. He is taking out some of the other Selecao by destroying their Juiz trailer that are in the process of being relocated. Taken out in these attacks are Selecaos #2, #11 and #12. Selecao #11 Miss Johnny Snipper actually sacrifices her own trailer in order to protect and keep Akira in the game since his trailer was the original one targeted. We are also introduced to another one of the 12 Selecaos. He is #6 and his goal is to film the death of the "Air King" and his damsel in distress Saki. Miss Johnny Snipper keeps him from reaching his goal but he still is able to cause poor Saki all manners of trouble during her search for Akira.

Thankfully they are able to re-unit and end up going on another adventure to keep themselves alive and figure out what is going on with Akira's past which is being over written by Juiz in order for him to become the King of Japan. The movie ends with Akira and Saki on a plane bound for Japan. There is a lot of interesting stuff that I'm leaving out but it's something that you just have to watch the movie which hopefully wont be to long since it's been licensed but we all know how long it takes FUNimation to get things out that aren't Fullmetal Alchemist. If you liked the series you owe it to yourself to watch the movies. The second movie hopefully will wrap up everything nicely since we still don't have any idea who the other three unknown Selecao are or who was #12 or Mr. Outside. The DVD release for the second movie will be Aug 4th of this year.

Check out the trailer for the first movie here:

And because I can here is the trailer for the second movie as well:

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