Koihime Musou OVA

posted by sooyup on , ,

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A little late in posting this since I actually watched this Fanservice rich OVA from Koihime Musou some time ago. This OVA is a stand alone episode that doesn't have anything at all to do with the series. In fact it takes place at a school setting is themed around all the girls competing in teams to see who will be the next President of the Student Council.

While we all know that Koihime Musou isn't known for it's outstanding plot or epic storytelling we do like it for the absurd abundance of fanservice and humor and the OVA is chuck full of both. It's also fully uncensored so no magic steam to get in the way like the broadcast of the series.

The plot is a little on the week side as the girls all team up into small groups to compete in challenges to see what team will be the new school council. Aisha and RinRin end up on different teams since there was a bit of a girl squabble between the two of them (over a sandwhich of all things) in the beginning and after several rounds of the challenges the two girls make up and become friends again and the queen wins the competition since Aisha forfeited her chance to save Rinrin when she was in trouble.

It was an OK OVA not the best not the worst funny enough and with enough fanservice to be a guilty pleasure. Here's the preview for the OVA.

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