Finally the Cabin Fever and carshow doldrums are over. And an interesting week was had, for a change. First we had a meeting at work this week to discuss the laundry folding problem and yet it still hasn't been resolved really. So still mad about doing all the work at work. Even though 3pm meetings suck ass I was able to give Chronic Tacos a try and I have to say the food is pretty good but the hours suck ass, well for me anyways. Then of course I went to see Watchmen and you know how that went if you read my blog.
But then the weekend rolled around and FINALLY some real change up to the world. Friday night my roommate and I went to the Boise Roadster Show to look at cars and more importantly film the Miss Roadster bikini contest. The last time I went to the bikini contest there wasn't more than a handful of girls in the contest but this time there was a record 27 girls there.
The audience was also rather interesting as well. My poor roommate had to sit next to a couple of dorks who thought that the GTR that was there was barely street legal because I shit you not they thought it could do 340mph. Then during the show there were people behind us who were making some great comments. There was some ragging on the girls in the show which I'll admit some of those girls in the audience could have been in contest themselves, I wish the cute lil' Asian girl was. But still I think it's a put up or shut up situation and it's not nice to make fun of others. OK maybe some of it was deserved but you'll never catch me saying...crap. Then there were the guys who really loved their Buffalo Wild Wings Restaurant as anytime one of the girls mentioned they worked for Hooters, Busters and even Cheerleaders they had to scream out something about
Buffalo Wild Wings. Good Viral Marketing if you ask me and I'll take that check now Buffalo Wild Wings management. No, maybe a years worth of food perhaps? Still have to try it out one of these days since it's right close to work. Then Saturday I went back with the right lens for the camera and took pictures of the cars. More on the car part of the show tomorrow.
Took me forever to post the videos and pictures from the car show but I found it interesting how much my traffic increased after posting the bikini show pictures (that my roommate took while I was filming) I added a picture so you can see for your self the jump in traffic. That was only one day and before the car pictures were added.
Well that was it for this week a bit more interesting than usual thankfully. Don't know what I'm doing for Hottie of the Day yet so it'll be a surprise or just random.
posted by sooyup on automotive, boise roadster show, car shows, cheerleaders, miss roadster, weekly review