Resident Evil: Degeneraton

posted by sooyup on

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Well look at that a new Resident Evil movie is coming out but this time no sexy Milla and it's in CGI. Hmmmm...wonder if this will be any good. Well thankfully I didn't have to wait until the end of December to find out if Resident Evil: Degeneration lived up to the hype. Actually before watching this movie I've only read a little bit here and there. I knew it was going to be CGI and that it was going to keep in the same time line as the video games (yeah another video game based movie) and that it was going to be set around a zombie (t-virus mutants) outbreak at an airport.

So now imagine my surprise while watching the movie that the airport outbreak lasted all of 30 minutes of the total hour and 36 minutes of the movie. I was actually kind of surprised about that but also glad that it wasn't an hour and 36 minutes of running around inside an airport killing zombies. That would have been seriously boring and a terrible movie.

The rest of the film was taken up by the investigation of the outbreak and the subsequent zombie outbreak at the new research lab caused by a terrorist bombing that also unleashed the G-virus creating one of those huge near invincible mutant zombies. Everything gets resolved of course zombies all die our intrepid heroes survive and of course the main bad guy gets his in the end leaving us with another research science company cleaning up the mess and well pretty much becoming a rather formulaic zombie movie of which you can read the entire plot here on wiki.

To be honest the only RE game that I've ever played was the first one on the original Playstation back in 96 and other than the live action movies I don't follow the RE franchise so I can't make any judgements on how this works for the franchise but what I can tell you about the movie is that it was an OK movie to watch I wouldn't bother buying it but might rent it to watch with friends later on. It's definitely not nearly as horrid as the other recent video game movie that was released. The one that they are still hawking on TV Commercials that I think really stunk....Dead Space. Took me a while to remember because it sucks that much. If you're into the RE video game franchise definitely check it out though.

Now about that CGI, it was pretty good for the most part. Some of the people looked well the first thing I thought of was balloon people and they just didn't act at all like a real body would. The main cast was motion captured but you can tell when it went from the motion capture fluid like movement to the marionette balloon like movements. The G-virus mutant zombie though was fantastic looking and some of the details where just freaking outstanding though.

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